Wednesday, October 21, 2009
went bowling yesterday! all i can say is that YEOW CHUNG IS A PRO! we got a 4 bowlers set-unlimited 1 hour bowling & 4 free rental of shoes. then when we left like 2mins? we all rushed to hurry finish our turn. when it was ivan's turn we were like" hurry hurry only 2mins left!" then he bowl, wa strike leh. then yeowchung turn we also rush him. then he ALSO strike. he was like "ok done. next person hurry!" then my turn, so pressured. BUT also strike leh! then mingyan turn, she damn pressured. but she never strike. i felt it was damn cool that we got 3 strikes in a roll.
then after that we went to the oppsite playground and played simon says. super fun, i made them do stuff like put your left foot on the opposite person's lap, then put your right hand on your left foot and left hand on the other person's foot thats on your lap. it looked funny..
6:11 PM
Saturday, October 17, 2009
finally! exams are sort of over. left maths. not much to study about that, just practice lor. i cant wait for ALL the exams to be over! gonna start doing maths paper! bye!
i'll take your silent reply as a no to my question. it doesnt hurt that you rejected me. its hurts that you didt have the courage to reply me telling me your answer. it took my seriously alot of courage to confess to you yet you cant send a simple sms? seems like you arent the guy i thought you were.
4:23 PM
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I NEED TO STUDY!! i need to start mugging. damn it why must exams come so quickly. how i wish theres like only tests and no exams. im gonna start week. hopefully.
waiting for you is plain hell.
5:01 PM