Thursday, January 20, 2011
Random photo post! just photos that i havent post yet.
earnie bunny!
Ivan trying contacts!
so father-ly.
saw pikachu!
Angelll ♥
Cookie ♥
maggie for supper almost once a week during decXD
Prince ♥
Amber ♥
Picnic with ivan & bi (: |
my weird mouth XD
10:14 PM
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Im gonna go back to blogging! Anyway this christmas and new year celebration is quite...interesting. Because i didt take any photos, like of the count down or anything. but i did take a picture of my rojak :D
i need to know who invented rojak sia, so heavenly (: but i only like the one that only got "you tiao". SUPER shiok. omg now im hungry....gah. So only got pet photos to post! since so long never post le(:
Baby angel (:
9:04 PM
Thursday, December 23, 2010
GAHHH havent been blogging for SO long. anywayyy went to ivan's house today. I'VE FINALLY BEEN TO IVAN'S HOUSE. but i dont remember the way anymore, every single block looks the same to me. Gave him his contacts today. but in the end he didt get it inXD i tried helping him put it in and it ALMOST went in alot of times but he ended up blinking then the contacts would just fall off.
To ivan : practice makes perfect (:
but i dont know why, the number of contacts that i have at home is an odd number. which month did i have an extra eye? hmm....anyway im wearing my coloured contacts now, so i dont need them yet (:
was going to watch hello stranger today with Jon and ivan but ivan took too much time so decided to just hang around at ivan's house.
plus seeing him wear his contacts is wayyy more entertaining We watched another movie on PPS but didt finish it because his mum was coming home soon so we went to tampines to have dinner. I SAW PIKACHU. HAHAAH AND YOU DIDTT XD i saw pikachu hop around dancing. super cute. the jumping parts. and it was super funny the way pikachu's arms were not long enough to reach each other XD
Ending my post here! soooo MERRY CHRISTMASSS (: (early)
oh yeah, i wore 1 of jon's contacts today XD one of my eyes was black (circle lens) and the other was green. super weird.
12:52 AM
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Its kind of depressing that i used to blog like mad. like almost everyday. life must have been so so so.. interesting. ANYWAY since i dont have anything to post. i shall just do the stupid movie review thingy. so my blog wont look so dead. since review must have pictures right! even though its pictures of movies, its still pictures!
nvm i changed my mind. dont feel like trying to remember what movies i've watched. ANYWAY hongkong was fun(: photos on facebook. everything is on facebook nowXD since facebook is so much... faster. plus i dont think anyone reads my blog anymore. but i just cant stand the sight of a dead blog. so just updating for the sack of updating.
boo, child's eye is still worrying me. i cant wait (:
12:40 AM
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
OMG MY BLOG IS SO SO SO DEAD. but, i still got nth to blog about. SO.... facebook!
11:00 PM
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I've totally neglected my blog. the exams were over SO long ago, yet i've only blogged once XD Dont really have much photos to put up, most of them are on facebook. anyway recently my life has been always the same, didt go to any exotic countries/ crazy stunts. so nothing much to blog about. Except that i have an awesome awesome boyfriend who i love so so so much <3
Last day of school
- Safra
- Bowled
- Played pool
- Home
- Ktv
- Home
Marking days (2nd day)
- Atika's house
- SS501
- Dance
- Home
- School
- Played with jon + atika + more
- HK briefing
- Jiamin's house with ivan, amos, jon & lishan
- Watched movies
- Home
Im gonna go out 2morro so im happy!
10:01 PM
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Im not gonna study history. Im gonna count on diffusion ( sleeping on textbook), found lots of my old photosXD so im gonna post them! ALOT of them damn ugly, i dont understand why i still go zilian when i was so ugly. Blogger is pissing me offffffffff. ANYWAY HERES THE OLD PHOTOS! from old to new. | | | | | | |
This was in 2007. Pri 5 i think. i cant believe i looked like that. i cant believe i wore a shirt of two pigs kissing out on the streets.
i only uploaded this photo to show that i was once the monitor during pri5 :P |
i seriously dont know how i lived back then. Some more so sad sia, eunice so chio. then i look like a potato. |
i USED to think this photo was damn chio.
Qingwen! i got a more recent photo of me and her but im lazy to upload itXD
i thought it was fun to be a seaweed eating bunny.
i've noticed something. my teeth somehow looks like i've gotten braces somehow. like in the first zilian photo, one of my vampire teeth is like tiny tiny. dunno what was wrong with it too. then slowly it grew and grew. then now its kind of straighten back on its own. (Y) |
sec1 le. with my tiny specs, the one that was a mistakeXD
yay for contacts. contact lenses really really saved my life. made me look less painful on the eyes. |
started having interest in photography.
thought this photo was chioXD but im obviously wrong.
liked doing the super compressed smile thingy. which means pressing your mouth SOOOO tight together, to form a straight line.
Started letting down my hair.
wore make up for the first time. but im wearing it so often nowXD but eyeliner and mascara only la. not like heavy make up. recently im like lazy to remove my eyeliner and stuff so i dont bother wearing le. and it always smudges like mad after a few hours. make me look like someone punched me. |
started dressing up more. i used to wear like long pants, those baggy baggy kind with tees that are obviously way too big for me. i thought wearing big clothes would make me look skinnier. but i was SOO wrong. dunno where i got that idea from. |
<3 |
thats are all, the first few pictures are so so creepy. i cant look at it anymore. need to hurry post this and go away!
10:04 PM